Sociology Questions

What is the main repository for your project?

  • Our main repository is called lash_journal on GitHub, and all of our group members are collaborators.

Did you create a .gitignore to avoid committing files that ‘don’t belong in version control?

  • We have not created a .gitignore yet because we are very early in our project development and have very little files, but when we progress further into our project process and therefore have more files, we will create one.

Have you established Issues as part of your Development process?

  • We are creating Issues for various steps of our Development process to track and document our progress, and plan out the next steps.

Have you considered making Pull Requests to track development?

  • With any work a group member contributes, a pull request is created to track development and allow each other group member to see and pull the changes.

Have you considered forks or branching techniques with pull requests?

  • Potentially, we could either fork or branch, then make changes on the clone, seeing what works and what doesn’t without affecting the main project. Once something is successful and useful, we can create a pull request to allow the other group members to review the code, before it is pushed out onto the main project.

Are you managing Issues on a Project Board/Scrum Board like Kanban?

  • We plan to consistently manage a Scrum Board with Issues documenting what we’ve done, what is in progress, and what is completed. This will help us keep our Development process running smoothly and efficiently.